...Little specialties make life bolder...
Tapas BarCelona is a lovely tapas bar located in the center of Helsinki. Our tapas is made respecting traditions but also using Finnish seasonal ingredients.
Lunch is served on weekdays from 11 am to 2 pm. During summer you can to eat out at our lovely summer terrace.
Lost property is sent every Thursday to the Suomen Löytötavarapiste lost property office (3 Narinkka, Kamppi Shopping Centre, tel. +358 600 04 401, €1.99/min. + local network charge). You can also send your inquiry together with a description of the lost property to venn@sok.fi
Current news
Bonus Payday wine bottle for €18.90 at HOK-Elanto’s restaurants
Bonus Payday wine bottle for €18.90 at HOK-Elanto’s restaurants
The 10th day of the month is the co-op members’ Bonus Payday. To celebrate, you can get a bottle of red, white or sparkling wine with a discount of €10!
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Etukuponki S-mobiilissa! Tapaslajitelma vain 18,50 (norm. 24,90) Tapas Barcelonassa
Etukuponki S-mobiilissa! Tapaslajitelma vain 18,50 (norm. 24,90) Tapas Barcelonassa
Tule lounaalle tai vietä tunnelmallinen ilta tapasten ja hyvän viinin äärellä.
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Mummotunneli house wine €2 (regular €8,80–€9,10)
Mummotunneli house wine €2 (regular €8,80–€9,10)
Mummotunnelin ravintoloista talon viini tai virvoitusjuoma 2 € S-mobiilin kupongilla
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Illallinen maailmalla – Minkä matkakohteen valitset?
Illallinen maailmalla – Minkä matkakohteen valitset?
Osterit Ranskassa, burgerit Kalifornian tyyliin tai ilta espanjalaisessa tapasbaarissa. Katso lista matkakohteista ja varaa pöytä!
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mapKeittiö sulkeutuu puoli tuntia ennen ravintolan sulkeutumista.