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11.5. Äitienpäivän lasten buffa
11.5. Äitienpäivän lasten buffa
Äitienpäivänä 11.5.2025 Lahden Amarillon Lasten buffaan katetaan lasten suosikkiherkut, ja buffetpöydästä saa syödä niin paljon kuin jaksaa!
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Yhen illan juttu Hämeenmaan ravintoloissa 11.4.
Yhen illan juttu Hämeenmaan ravintoloissa 11.4.
Tervetuloa Yhen illan juttuun, Lahden keskustaan 11.4.
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Pizza & Buffa's Mother's Day is filled with love on May 11th.
Pizza & Buffa's Mother's Day is filled with love on May 11th.
It's wonderful to come to a ready-made table together! At Pizza & Buffa, our Mother's Day is filled with love and treats. With the S-Etukortti card, €20.30.
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Pizza & Buffa has May Day covered on May 1st.
Pizza & Buffa has May Day covered on May 1st.
Ready for May Day? At Pizza & Buffa, we have delicious food and a cheerful atmosphere at our abundant and tasty buffet table. With the S-Etukortti card, €20.30.
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Events near you
Thu 27/3Trattoria Seurahuone, Lahti