Welcome to Gastropub Eino, the living room of the townspeople
Welcome to Eino! With us you can enjoy a relaxed and cheerful service, a relaxed atmosphere and a diverse selection of food and drinks right in the heart of Mikkeli! It is easy to pop into Eino for a glass during the day of shopping, come play with wine with friends or forget to even continue the evening longer! The food is a pleasure for us - honest Finnish food with Scandinavian influences and spiced with local ingredients.
At Eino, you also organize atmospheric evening parties or top parties! Our upstairs Vintti is the most stylish party space in the city, where parties are held for up to 100 people. Vintti also serves as a personal meeting place. In the atmospheric Vintti you will find a bar, a stage and the necessary equipment for your own party. In the basement you will find a magnificent Wine Room, which will delight you with its warm atmosphere. In the wine house, a group of 10 people comfortably meets in a personal environment. The wine room can accommodate a party of up to 14 people to dine and spend the evening. We will be happy to organize the right party for you, ask more about our sales service!
Come enjoy us, we enjoy here too!
Group bookings and inquiries
Sales service tel. +358 10 764 2000 (0.0835 € / call + 0.1209 € / min) or sales.suur-savo@sok.fi
Current news
Sales service experts at your service
Sales service experts at your service
When you require conference facilities, restaurant services or group accommodation in South Savo, the sales services have the solutions and experts you need.
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Green Key certificate for Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s restaurants and cafés
Green Key certificate for Suur-Savo Cooperative Society’s restaurants and cafés
Osuuskauppa Suur-Savo's restaurants in Mikkeli, Savonlinna and Pieksämäki have the international Green Key environmental label
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Seniorilounas Mikkelissä, Savonlinnassa ja Pieksämäellä arkisin klo 12-14
Seniorilounas Mikkelissä, Savonlinnassa ja Pieksämäellä arkisin klo 12-14
Seniorilounas Mikkelissä, Savonlinnassa ja Pieksämäellä. Tule herkuttelemaan!
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Bliniviikot Gastropub Einossa
Bliniviikot Gastropub Einossa
Gastropub Einossa Mikkelissä herkutellaan alkuvuonna Blineillä 15.1.-2.3.25
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upcoming events
- Fri 10/1 – Fri 13/6Gastropub Eino
Einon Vintin ohjelmakalenteri