Welcome to Wine Bar Axel W
Wine Bar Axel W is a relaxed, European-style all day restaurant located beside the Turku Market Square at street level in the Wiklund department store building. The restaurant is a lively extension of the Market Square, inviting people for a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or lunch – there are wonderful options on offer all day long.
Current news
Co-op members pay day at restaurants in Turku
Co-op members pay day at restaurants in Turku
Celebrate co-op members day on 10th April and raise a toast to good friends…there are many reasons to rejoice! Enjoy Expedition Brut Spumante 19€/75 cl.
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3+1 -SPECIAL: At Wiklund's restaurants Sparkling Wine €20 /75 cl
3+1 -SPECIAL: At Wiklund's restaurants Sparkling Wine €20 /75 cl
Take advantage of your 3+1 benefit: Expedition Brut Spumante €20 / 75 cl at Wiklund's restaurants. Welcome for some sparkling wine!
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Turun musiikkijuhlat -kävijän ravintolaetu
Turun musiikkijuhlat -kävijän ravintolaetu
Hyödynnä Turun musiikkijuhlien konserttivieraan ravintolaetu, jonka saat konserttilipulla. Tervetuloa etkoille tai jatkoille!
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Opiskelijat - tervetuloa meille!
Opiskelijat - tervetuloa meille!
Kohtaamispaikka Wiklundin kulmassa. BAR W:ssä opiskelijahinnat keskiviikkoisin ja torstaisin. Löydät meidät Turun kauppatorin laidalta, Wiklundilta.
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