Give in to your senses.
Gunnar Eatery & Bar is the place to be for residents, passers-by, bon vivants, groups and party organisers. "Gunu" offers Turku-based restaurant services to globetrotters. Shared food, time together, enjoyment and fun memories – Gunnar is all of these, and much more.
Carefully selected, passionately and skillfully grown and prepared ingredients from local producers take Gunnar’s portions to the next level in the hands of our skilled chefs. Give in to your senses and embark on a journey of taste with us.
You are also welcome to sit back and enjoy wines, drinks and other refreshing beverages at Gunnar’s bar.
Current news
S- Mobiilietu Gunnarin lounaalle
S- Mobiilietu Gunnarin lounaalle
Gunnarin lounas S - mobiilikupongilla helmikuussa 11,90
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Taianomainen brunssi talvilomaviikon Lauantaina 22.2.!
Taianomainen brunssi talvilomaviikon Lauantaina 22.2.!
Talvilomalla lauantaina 22.2. hokkuspokkus brunssi Turun Seurahuoneella
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Turun musiikkijuhlat -kävijän ravintolaetu
Turun musiikkijuhlat -kävijän ravintolaetu
Hyödynnä Turun musiikkijuhlien konserttivieraan ravintolaetu, jonka saat konserttilipulla. Tervetuloa etkoille tai jatkoille!
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Blinit Gunnarissa 9.1. - 2.4.
Blinit Gunnarissa 9.1. - 2.4.
Bliniviikot Turun Seurahuoneella, Gunnarissa 9.1. - 2.4.
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contact information
Brunssi lauantaisin ja sunnuntaisin klo 12.30 - 15.30 Gunnar Upstair 2ks.