Opiskelijoille opiskelijakorttia näyttämällä Amarillo Tikkurilassa seuraavat edut maanantaista torstaihin:
Karhu 0,4L (4,7%) 5€
Siideri 0,3L (4,7%) 5€
Lonkero 0,3L (5,5%) 5€
Valkoviini 12CL 5€
Punaviini 12CL 5€
Kuohuviini 12CL 5€
Hanalimu 0,4L 2,5€
Kahvi/Tee 2,0€
LL = low-lactose, L = lactose-free, G = gluten-free, GR = gluten-free on request, VN = vegan, VNR = vegan on request, S = spicy hot, M = milk free, V = vegetarian dish, N = contains nuts. Please ask our staff for more information on dishes. According to the Finnish Food Authority’s recommendation, minced meat patties should always be eaten fully cooked. Even high-quality medium-cooked minced meat may contain EHEC bacteria, which may cause a severe food poisoning, especially in children and older people.