Ristorante Invar
Today: Closed
Kitchen: Closed
Inside the Prisma shopping center
Today: Closed
Kitchen: Closed
Inside the Prisma shopping center
Invar is a unique Italian meeting spot with a menu created from the results of our product development and our customers’ requests, all grounded in our love for Italy.
The story of Invar is fascinating. The name Invar comes from the nearby Nummelanharju’s Nummela Standard Baseline, the most precise baseline measurement in the world. The baseline’s dimensions were defined using a quartz measuring rod and invar wire.
Here at Ristorante Invar, we appreciate the world-class precision that Nummela represents, so we only serve immeasurably good food prepared with love and care. The word invar is an abbreviation of invariance, meaning unchanging. Here at Invar, we think that this ever-changing world should have some things that never change, like excellent customer service and the joy of dining together.
Inside the Prisma shopping center
Naaranpajuntie 3
The restaurant is wheelchair accessible
We accept S-Card
Kaikki annokset myös take away
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 19:30
Kitchen: 11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 21:00
Kitchen: 11:00 - 20:30
12:00 - 21:00
Kitchen: 12:00 - 20:30
Kitchen: Closed