Lunch week 11, 10/03 - 16/03
Lounaspöytämme on katettu joka päivä herkullista kotiruokaa pienellä twistillä. Jokaiselle löytyy jotakin vauvasta vaariin.
Lämpimien ruokien lisäksi lounaaseen kuuluu mahtipontinen salaattipöytä sekä raikkaat juomat. Jälkiruuaksi vielä kaiken lisäksi tarjolla Juhla Mokkaa tai teetä.
Monday 10/03
Lunch: 11:00-17:00.
Tuesday 11/03
Lunch: 10:30-15:00.
Wednesday 12/03
Lunch: 10:30-15:00.
Thursday 13/03
Lunch: 10:30-15:00.
Friday 14/03
Lunch: 10:30-15:00.
Saturday 15/03
Lunch: 10:30-19:00.
Sunday 16/03
Lunch: 11:00-17:00.
LL = low-lactose, L = lactose-free, G = gluten-free, GR = gluten-free on request, VN = vegan, VNR = vegan on request, S = spicy hot, M = milk free, V = vegetarian dish, N = contains nuts. Please ask our staff for more information on dishes. According to the Finnish Food Authority’s recommendation, minced meat patties should always be eaten fully cooked. Even high-quality medium-cooked minced meat may contain EHEC bacteria, which may cause a severe food poisoning, especially in children and older people.