We recommend for evenings and parties
Wiklundin talvibuffé - kolme ravintolaa , yksi unohtumaton makuelämys!
Varattavissa Wirta Meetings ainutlaatuisiin kokoustiloihin, Turun kattojen ylle Walo Rooftop Bariin
tai Wiklundin uusimpaan tulokkaaseen BAR W:hen
Lisätiedot ja ryhmävaraukset: Myyntipalvelu, puh. 0300 870 040 (ma-pe 8.30-16.30).
Puhelun hinta 51 snt/min + pvm/matkapuhelunmaksu.
Tervetuloa Wiklundille!
Wiklundin talvibuffé
LL = low-lactose, L = lactose-free, G = gluten-free, GR = gluten-free on request, VN = vegan, VNR = vegan on request, S = spicy hot, M = milk free, V = vegetarian dish, N = contains nuts. Please ask our staff for more information on dishes. According to the Finnish Food Authority’s recommendation, minced meat patties should always be eaten fully cooked. Even high-quality medium-cooked minced meat may contain EHEC bacteria, which may cause a severe food poisoning, especially in children and older people.