Nearest restaurants in Tornio
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Presso, Tornio
2.2 km
Today: ClosedOikokatu 1, 95420 TornioAccessible restaurantFAST FOODMenu Presso, Rovaniemi
Menu Teollisuustie 2, 96320 Rovaniemi
map99.8 km 08:00 - 19:00 Accessible restaurant FAST FOOD Presso, Rovaniemi
99.8 km
Today: 08:00 - 19:00Teollisuustie 2, 96320 RovaniemiAccessible restaurantFAST FOODMenu Coffee House, Rovaniemi
Menu Maakuntakatu 30, 96200 Rovaniemi
map101.8 km 08:00 - 20:00 Accessible restaurant Coffee House, Rovaniemi
101.8 km
Today: 08:00 - 20:00Maakuntakatu 30, 96200 RovaniemiAccessible restaurantMenu Let´s celebrate!
Read moreThe end of the year is full of celebrations, and our restaurants offer the best settings for unforgettable festive moments. Whether it’s a Christmas party, Christmas lunch, Christmas Eve feast, or New Year’s dinner, you’ll find a wide range of options for your celebration with us. Explore and book a table today!
Presso Linnanmaa, Oulu
Menu Kauppalinnankuja 1-3, 90570 Oulu
map106.8 km 09:00 - 19:00 Accessible restaurant FAST FOOD Presso Linnanmaa, Oulu
106.8 km
Today: 09:00 - 19:00Kauppalinnankuja 1-3, 90570 OuluAccessible restaurantFAST FOODMenu Coffee House, Oulu
111.1 km
Today: 08:00 - 20:00Isokatu 24, 90100 OuluAccessible restaurantMenu Puistokahvila Makia
Menu Otto Karhin Puisto, 90100 Oulu
map111.2 km 07:30 - 19:00 Accessible restaurant INTERNATIONAL, FAST FOOD Puistokahvila Makia
111.2 km
Today: 07:30 - 19:00Otto Karhin Puisto, 90100 OuluAccessible restaurantINTERNATIONAL, FAST FOODMenu Bacaro Doppio Oulu
111.2 km
Today: 09:00 - 20:00Isokatu 25, 90100 OuluAccessible restaurantITALIANMenu Presso Limingantulli, Oulu
Menu Nuottasaarentie 1, 90400 Oulu
map112.5 km 08:00 - 18:00 Accessible restaurant FAST FOOD Presso Limingantulli, Oulu
112.5 km
Today: 08:00 - 18:00Nuottasaarentie 1, 90400 OuluAccessible restaurantFAST FOODMenu Coffee House, Levi
219.8 km
Today: 11:00 - 20:00Tähtitie 5, 99130 KittiläAccessible restaurantMenu